i n t u i t i v e
e n e r g y
r e a d i n g s
book your reading
bookings are currently open.
how readings are done
Upon purchase, you will receive an email questionnaire to further clarify what it is you're seeking guidance on. After your response is received, you will receive a video file with your reading. I will show you the cards from your reading and explain their meanings in the video, as well as share anything else I intuitively picked up on. The video is pre-recorded (so there's no need to coordinate our schedules) and will be sent to you via email.
bookings are currently open.
current waitlist: 1-3 weeks
This "waitlist" means that if you book now, you reserve your spot before bookings close again. You can expect your reading to arrive in your inbox 1-3 weeks from the booking date (be sure to submit the questionnaire promptly!)
Word to the wise: Readings are most powerful and tend to offer the most in-depth guidance when only one topic is focused on. If you have two topics you absolutely cannot choose between, I suggest booking a 10-card reading; that way I can pull 5 cards for the first topic and 5 cards for the second. This way, you'll get the deepest guidance and insight into both situations.

about kristen
Hi! I'm Kristen from Inner Divine Alchemy.
I am an Intuitive & Lightworker providing insightful, inspiring energy readings that leave you with a sense of understanding, clarity, and guidance in navigating your present and future. I have been channeling messages from the Divine and honing my intuition for the past 4 years. The cocoon of 2020 was a great death and rebirth for me, where I came to the profound realization that I am to use my gifts as selflessly as possible -- to help others get one step closer to unlocking their soul purpose. I sincerely hope to read for you if you have a deep heartfelt desire to understand yourself and your life path on a soul level.
frequently asked questions
1. Is there anything my reading won't cover?
Yes, specific details including: Health (incl. pregnancy, paternity, test results) / Legal (incl. outcome of court cases) / Third-party (details of someone's life not related to you) / Specific-timing or outcome ('who is my soul mate' / 'when will I meet my husband').
2. Can you tell me "when" something is going to happen?
I believe there are an infinite number of potential future paths based on the actions we take and the choices we make. While intuitive readings can certainly provide general timing, if you take no action or pivot your focus, there are no guarantees. Timing should be considered as an estimate only.
3. "I need a reading immediately!" / It's an emergency!
I do not perform emergency or immediate bookings. When emotionally-charged or attached to a particular outcome, one may expect the reading to decide our future. This robs us of our personal power and we're more likely to act irrationally. In an emergency, dial 911 or contact a licensed professional.
4. You use tarot cards in your readings... is tarot "evil"?
Regardless of what you may have seen in the movies or how it's been portrayed in the media, tarot is not "evil". Just as you would use a spatula to flip a pancake or a pen to jot down a note, the tarot is merely a tool that can help guide us in achieving a desired outcome. It is important to note that tarot is not fortune-telling. Intuitive readings, whether tarot, oracle, or otherwise, are there to help you gain clarity on where you are, where you've been, and where you're going. When open and receptive to the guidance, it can be truly life-altering in aligning with your soul's wisdom!
5. Why is there a waitlist? Why is it so far out?
Little known fact: Most psychics have waitlists for their readings from 6 months to 2 years. The current waitlist time you see is what is currently aligned for me (energetically speaking) so that I am able to deliver the best readings possible. If bookings are closed, it's because I am on a hiatus. There’s only one of me and because I am tapping into so many different energies on any given day, I absolutely must reserve time in my schedule to cleanse, rest, and recharge. There is always a possibility that your reading might be delivered earlier, but again, it depends on how many people booked before you and where I'm currently at on an energetic level.
6. I'm not sure if I submitted my questionnaire correctly. What should I do?
You will not receive a confirmation email after submitting your questionnaire. As long as you press submit, you’re good. Please do not submit multiple questionnaires as it bogs down my inbox. If you still don’t think the questionnaire sent, don’t worry. I will reach out to you to let you know.
7. How long should I wait between readings?
The rule of thumb is 2-4 months between card readings, especially if it's focused on the same topic as your original reading. But, if you had a love reading and would like a career reading shortly after, for example, you are welcome to book as soon as you'd like.